 * PHP Grid Component
 * @author Abu Ghufran <[email protected]> - http://www.phpgrid.org
 * @version 2.0.0
 * @license: see license.txt included in package

// include db config

// include and create object

$g = new jqgrid();

// set few params
$grid["caption"] = "Loading data from Array";
$grid["sortable"] = false;
$grid["multiselect"] = true;
$grid["footerrow"] = true;
$grid["loadComplete"] = "function(){ do_onload(); }";
$grid["ignoreCase"] = true; // do case insensitive searching
$grid["export"] = array("format"=>"xls", "filename"=>"my-file", "heading"=>"Custom Export Heading", "orientation"=>"landscape", "paper"=>"a4");

$name = array('Pepsi 1.5 Litre', 'Sprite 1.5 Litre', 'Cocacola 1.5 Litre', 'Dew 1.5 Litre', 'Nestle 1.5 Litre');
for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++)
    $data[$i]['id'] = $i+1;
    $data[$i]['code'] = $name[rand(0, 4)][0].($i+5);
    $data[$i]['name'] = $name[rand(0, 4)];

    // to simulate case insensitive sort
    $data[$i]['name'] = ($i%2)?strtoupper($data[$i]['name']):$data[$i]['name'];

    $data[$i]['cost'] = rand(0, 100)." USD";
    $data[$i]['quantity'] = ($i==0)?0:rand(-100, 100);
    $data[$i]['discontinued'] = rand(0, 1);
    $data[$i]['email'] = 'buyer_'. rand(0, 100) .'@google.com';
    $data[$i]['more_options'] = "<a class='fancybox' href='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Logo_2013_Google.png'><img height=25 src='http://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/logo_default.png'></a>";

// pass data in table param for local array grid display
$g->table = $data; // blank array(); will show no records

// If you want to customize columns params
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Id"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "id"; 
$col["width"] = "30";
$col["frozen"] = true;
$cols[] = $col;		

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Code"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "code"; 
$col["width"] = "30";
$col["frozen"] = true;
$cols[] = $col;	

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Name"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "name"; 
$col["width"] = "200";
$col["frozen"] = true;
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Quantity"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "quantity"; 
$col["width"] = "60";
$col["sorttype"] = "number";
$cols[] = $col;		

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Cost"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "cost"; 
$col["width"] = "50";
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Discontinued"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "discontinued"; 
$col["width"] = "60";
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Email"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "email"; 
$col["width"] = "60";
$col["formatter"] = "function(cellvalue, options, rowObject){ return my_custom_link(cellvalue, options, rowObject);}";
$col["unformat"] = "function(cellvalue, options, rowObject){ return cellvalue; }";
$cols[] = $col;		

# Custom made column to show link, must have default value as it's not db driven
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Details";
$col["name"] = "more_options";
$col["width"] = "30";
$col["align"] = "center";
$col["export"] = false;
$col["search"] = false;
$col["sortable"] = false;
$cols[] = $col;


						"add"=>false, // allow/disallow add
						"edit"=>false, // allow/disallow edit
						"delete"=>false, // allow/disallow delete
						"view"=>true, // allow/disallow delete
						"rowactions"=>false, // show/hide row wise edit/del/save option
						"export"=>true, // show/hide export to excel option
						"autofilter" => true, // show/hide autofilter for search
						"search" => false // show single/multi field search condition (e.g. simple or advance)

// for using custom export
$e["on_export"] = array("custom_export", null, true);

// custom on_export callback function
function custom_export($param)
	$arr = $param["data"]; // the data for export
	$grid = $param["grid"]; // the complete grid object reference

	if ($grid->options["export"]["format"] == "xls")
		function xlsBOF(){
			echo pack("ssssss",0x809,0x8,0x0,0x10,0x0,0x0);

		function xlsEOF(){
			echo pack("ss",0x0A,0x00);

		function xlsWriteNumber($Row,$Col,$Value){
			echo pack("sssss",0x203,14,$Row,$Col,0x0);
			echo pack("d",$Value);

		function xlsWriteLabel($Row,$Col,$Value){
			$L= strlen($Value);
			echo pack("ssssss",0x204,8+$L,$Row,$Col,0x0,$L);
			echo $Value;

		//Send Header
		header("Pragma: public");
		header("Expires: 0");
		header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
		header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
		header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
		header("Content-Type: application/download");
		header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=".$grid->options["export"]["filename"].".xls");
		header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

		//XLS Data Cell

		$rs_data = $arr;

		foreach($rs_data as $rec)

			foreach($rec as $v)


// highlight cell, if defined cellclass OR cellcss
$f = array();
$f["column"] = "name";
$f["op"] = "cn";
$f["value"] = "Pepsi";
$f["cellcss"] = "'background-color':'red', 'color':'white'"; // this also work
$f_conditions[] = $f;

// if nothing set in 'op' and 'value', it will set column formatting for all cell
$f = array();
$f["column"] = "quantity";
$f["css"] = "'background-color':'#FBEC88', 'color':'green', 'font-weight':'bold'"; // must use (single quote ') with css attr and value
$f_conditions[] = $f;


// render grid
$out = $g->render("list_array");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="../../lib/js/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.custom.css"></link>	
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="../../lib/js/jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css"></link>	
	<script src="../../lib/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="../../lib/js/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="../../lib/js/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>	
	<script src="../../lib/js/themes/jquery-ui.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/fancybox/2.1.4/jquery.fancybox.css" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/fancybox/2.1.4/jquery.fancybox.js"></script>
	function my_custom_link(cellvalue, options, rowObject)
		return '<a href="mailto:'+cellvalue+'">'+cellvalue+'</a>';

	// e.g. to show footer summary
	function do_onload() 
		var grid = $("#list_array");

		// sum of displayed result
		sum = grid.jqGrid('getCol', 'quantity', false, 'sum'); // 'sum, 'avg', 'count' (use count-1 as it count footer row).

		sum_table = Number(sum).toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' });

		// 4th arg value of false will disable the using of formatter
		grid.jqGrid('footerData','set', {quantity: 'Total: ' + sum_table}, false);

	<div style="margin:10px">
	<?php echo $out?>
	$(document).ready(function() {
		// add toolbar button
	function add_find_button(){

		jQuery('#list_array').jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#list_array_pager', 
			'caption'      : 'Find', 
			'buttonicon'   : 'ui-icon-search', 
			'onClickButton': function()
				var opts = $("#list_array").jqGrid('getGridParam','search_options');
				// open search dialog via code
			'position': 'last'